Cancer is a disease characterized by irregular division and abnormal proliferation of cells in an organ or tissue of the body. It can be seen in almost any organ or tissue. It tends to start in one organ or tissue and spread (metastasize) to other organs or tissues.
Although significant advances have been made in the treatment of cancer in recent years, cancer is still a disease with serious fatal consequences. It is the most common cause of death worldwide.
According to WHO data, approximately 10 million new cancers are diagnosed each year and one out of every six cancer cases is lost.
The most common types of cancer are breast, lung, colon, rectum and prostate cancers.
How does cancer develop?
Normal body cells grow based on growth signals. Growth is faster in childhood, and the growth rate slows down with age. They stop when they encounter other organ or tissue cells during growth. They are subjected to apoptosis (programmed cell death) by the immune system and die in the period when they should stop dividing or die due to aging etc.
Cancer cells arise when the DNA normally contained in cells is damaged for different reasons. This damage, which can be repaired in normal cells, cannot be repaired in cancer cells. Cancer cells do not follow the growth signals and continue to grow uncontrollably in the absence of the signal. When they encounter other tissue or organ cells during growth, they do not stop, they continue to grow. Sometimes they can also move to distant tissues or organs via blood and lymphatic vessels. The immune system, which destroys normal cells when the time comes, does not destroy cancerous cells, sometimes even protecting them, helping them to grow. Cancer cells multiply and gather as a group and form tumors.
What are the causes of cancer?
The causes of cancer, which starts with irreparable DNA damage in the body, are not fully known. Conditions suspected as a cause of cancer can be of two types. The first of these are irreversible, irreversible causes. These are genetic characteristics inherited from the family, age, gender, etc. is
Another suspected cause of cancer formation is environmental factors. These are changeable and correctable causes. These factors increase the risk of cancer in some people. These:
- Using tobacco and tobacco products,
- Use of alcohol,
- Improper diet,
- Physical inactivity,
- Unprotected exposure to sunlight
- Some virus types (HPS – Humon papilloma virus, HBV-hepatitis B virus, EBV- Ebstain barr virus, HCV- hepatitis C virus etc.),
- Some bacteria (helicobacter pylori etc.),
- Additives added to nutritional products,
- Exposure to unprotected and above certain doses of radiation,
- Some chemicals, such as heavy metals,
- Air pollution.
What are the factors that increase the risk of cancer?
Certain factors pose a risk for certain types of cancer. Some of them can be prevented, corrected, but some cannot be prevented. Knowing the risk factors is important for cancer prevention or early diagnosis.
Risk factors are generally:
- Genetic risk factors: Inherited risks inherited from family. Having cancer in more than one person among family members increases the risk. The risk can be clearly demonstrated by genetic analysis.
- Biological risk factors: Factors such as gender (prostate in men, breast cancer risk in women, etc.), age (risk over 50 years old), race, skin color (blondes are at risk for skin cancer, etc.).
- Behavioral risk factors: Factors such as tobacco and tobacco products use, alcohol use, eating habits, exercise level. These factors can be easily corrected with simple lifestyle changes.
- Environmental risk factors: Air pollution, exposure to asbestos, sun rays, radiation, exposure to chemicals, food supplements, etc. These are factors that can be prevented and prevented with simple precautions.