Nausea in pregnancy can sometimes be a major problem. It is one of the early signs of pregnancy. It is one of the most common symptoms. Although the image of a woman suddenly nauseous and running to the sink to vomit in media productions reminds the audience of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting are not so typical of all pregnant women.
The symptoms of pregnancy nausea and vomiting may not be of the same severity among expectant mothers, or even in different pregnancies of the same woman. Mostly 5-8 weeks of pregnancy. It starts at weeks 10-12. It decreases in weeks and disappears from the 14th week. However, there may be nausea and vomiting lasting longer or even months.
It can impair the quality of life of the expectant mother. Sometimes severe vomiting can cause fluid loss and nutritional disorders. If the necessary intervention is not made in time, both the expectant mother and the baby may be seriously affected. Severe nausea and vomiting can sometimes be a symptom of another underlying disease. Therefore, it should be well studied.
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy usually occurs in the morning. For this reason, it is commonly referred to as “morning sickness”. It starts early in the morning and can return to normal during the day. Most experts explain the reason for morning sickness and vomiting during pregnancy as being hungry. The body, which is hungry during the night, reacts to many things such as odor. In fact, nausea and vomiting are a response of the body to the hormonal changes that come with pregnancy. It disappears until the 14th week as the body adapts to these changes.
Restriction of drug use in pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, due to possible negative effects on the baby, also limits medical treatment for nausea and vomiting. In the hospital setting, intervention may not be necessary, except for significant fluid losses due to severe vomiting.
For this reason, the most effective method of combating nausea and vomiting complaints during pregnancy will be some precautions that expectant mothers will take at home.
Some precautions that can be taken to combat nausea and vomiting in pregnancy:
- An airless and smelly environment is not pleasant for anyone. However, this is a bigger problem for pregnant women. Nausea and sometimes vomiting when getting out of bed. Therefore, when you get up in the morning, ventilate your environment. Fresh air relaxes.
- Most odors in the early stages of pregnancy are a source of nausea for pregnant women. Especially heavy odors are irritating. This fragrance source can be a perfume or a scented handkerchief. Remove any odor source that you suspect may make you nauseous.
- When the feeling of nausea comes, some breathing exercises can relieve the feeling of nausea. Do breathing exercises to reduce nausea, such as breathing through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
- For some people, putting a toothbrush in the mouth, using toothpaste, smelling toothpaste can cause nausea and vomiting. Sometimes brushing your teeth can increase your nausea, and you can gargle instead of brushing.
- Being hungry or eating too much can be a source of nausea. Therefore, pay attention to your diet, do not go hungry, eat often but little by little.
- Some herbs show anti-nausea properties. You can drink herbal tea, but do so according to the recommendations of your healthcare team. Fresh ginger can be helpful in this regard.
- Eating or smelling lemons can be beneficial.
- Oily, spicy, fried foods can increase your nausea.
- Breakfast can sometimes be a problem for pregnant women who are hungry during the night and have increased sensitivity to smells or tastes. It may be beneficial to eat saltine crackers instead of having breakfast when you wake up in the morning,
- Rice crackers can also reduce your nausea.
- A diet rich in protein and carbohydrates is recommended.
- Cereals,
- Fruit, vegetables,
- Animal products (eggs, milk),
- Vitamin B6 is recommended,
- Light-paced walks are beneficial.
- Plenty of rest is recommended.
- Good sleep in a dimly lit or dark environment can reduce nausea.
- Getting out of bed as soon as you wake up increases nausea.
- Lying down immediately after eating increases nausea.
- Especially frequent and severe vomiting may cause fluid loss. Dehydration itself can be a source of denausea. Drink plenty of fluids between meals.
- Taking a piece of ice in your mouth can be comforting,
- When you wake up in the morning, a mixture of honey and a teaspoon of ginger can be good for nausea,
- The risk of anemia increases in pregnant women. To prevent this, pregnant women can be prescribed iron medications. However, iron tablets can increase nausea. Review this situation with your healthcare team, different doses or formulas may be used.
- Caffeine is said to increase nausea. Avoid drinks containing caffeine.
- Any kind of stress increases nausea. The stress factor can be caused by the work environment, social environment, family environment or friend circle. Stress factors may need to be corrected. Workplace employees, employers, friends or family members should help pregnant women in this regard.
- Comfortable and loose clothes can be good for your nausea,
- It is said that methods such as aromatherapy, massage and acupuncture reduce nausea by relaxing the person.
- Wristbands that apply pressure to certain points on the wrist can be used.
- If your nausea is too much, affects your daily life, and causes nutritional problems, contact your healthcare team.