Nasal congestion is a common symptom of many diseases affecting the nasal cavity, sinuses and nasopharynx. For this reason, it can be seen with symptoms such as dryness in the mouth, rust taste on the tongue, inability to taste or smell, bad breath, itching in the throat and coughing.

Nasal congestion is a common symptom of many diseases affecting the nasal cavity, sinuses and nasopharynx. For this reason, it can be seen with symptoms such as dryness in the mouth, rust taste on the tongue, inability to taste or smell, bad breath, itching in the throat and coughing.

The most common causes of nasal congestion in children are infections, allergies and adenoid vegetation. Rarely, nasal congestion may occur due to nasoseptal nasal deformities, chronic sinusitis, Septal hematoma and septal abscesses.

The most common causes of nasal congestion in adolescents and young people are infections, allergies, rhinitis and nasoseptal nasal deformities. Rarely, sinusitis, septal hematoma, septal abscess, Infectious Mononucleosis and polyps may cause nasal congestion.

The most common causes of nasal congestion in adults are infections, allergies, rhinitis and irritant substances. Although rare, metabolic or endocrine disorders, pregnancy, menstruation, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, chronic sinusitis, polyps and septal perforation may cause all obstruction. Alcohol and smoking can also cause nasal congestion.

The most common causes of nasal congestion:

  • Physiological nasal obstructions
    • Nasal cycle: It is the rhythmic congestion-decongestion periods of the structures in the nose. Usually at intervals of 30-180 minutes, the right and left sides continue this rhythm alternately. It is a natural process.
    • Positional nasal obstruction: When lying on its side, the lower side may become blocked. It decreases with raising the head. Does not require treatment.
    • Puberty and menstruation: Depending on the increase in estrogen, vascularity and edema in the nasal mucosa increase and nasal congestion develops.
    • Psychosomatic factors: It is a natural process that occurs in situations of anxiety, stress and nervousness.
  • Congenital anomalies
    • Choanal atresia: It is unilateral or bilateral obstruction in the choana, consisting of three layers on the inside of the back of the nose and providing air flow. It is more common on the right side. It is more common in newborn girls. It is usually seen together with CHARGE syndrome. Other accompanying pathologies may also be found.
    • Nasal dermoid: It is the general name of epithelial abnormalities that can extend from a small epithelial thickening on the nasal dorsal skin to the inner tissues. It can form a cystic structure. This is also called a dermoid cyst. When a dermoid cyst forms in the nose, it causes nasal congestion. Sometimes it can fill with inflammatory tissue and burst.
    • Cleft palate and lip: It is a congenital anomaly that can sometimes be seen only as a cleft palate or only as a cleft stop. When there is a cleft palate, food can escape into the nose and trachea. This causes congestion. There may be accompanying disorders such as hearing loss and speech problems.
    • Nasal glioma: It is the clustering of the supporting tissues of the nerve cells, mostly seen inside the nose and sometimes outside. These clumps can grow and cause nasal congestion. Curvature or polyps can also be seen in the nose.
    • Encephalocele: It is the herniation of the brain tissue into the nose due to defects in the nasal region in the skull bone structure. It is very rare. These defects can also be seen in other parts of the head. It is more common in the posterior occipital region.
    • Nasal aplasia: It is the underdevelopment of the nose and nasal cavity.
  • Structural disorders
    • Septum deviation: When the septum separating both sides of the nose is tilted to one side, a fully or half closed situation occurs on the other side.
    • Traumatic pathologies
      • Septal hematoma: It is the accumulation of blood between the septal cartilage tissue and the mucosa of the nose.
      • Septal abscess: It is formed by the infection of septal hematoma developing after trauma.
      • Septal perforation: As a result of trauma, rupture of the septa may occur.
    • External nasal deformities: Abnormalities in the nasal wings, nasal entrance and nasal roof cause nasal congestion.
      • Crooked nose
      • Saddle nose (Low wide nose roof)
      • Alar collapse (It is the collapse of the nose wings that should open while breathing and causing congestion)
      • Empty nose syndrome (Wide nasal cavity)
    • Concha pathologies
      • Turbinate hypertrophy
      • Concha bullosa
      • Compensatory hypertrophy
    • Adenoid hypertrophy
    • Foreign body
  • Neoplastic pathologies
    • Benign tumors
    • Malignant tumors
  • Inflammatory pathologies
    • Infectious rhinitis: Increased discharge and mucus due to reaction to infection cause nasal congestion.
      • Acute viral rhinitis
      • Chronic rhinitis
      • Rhinosinusitis
    • Allergic rhinitis: The increase in secretions that develop in response to an allergic reaction causes nasal congestion.
    • Vasomotor rhinitis
    • Nasal polyps: One of the most common causes of nasal congestion.
    • Antrochoanal polyps: These are polyps hanging from the back of the nose towards the pharynx. They are surgically removed.

Some drugs and chemicals can also cause nasal congestion:

  • Aspirin
  • Estrogen and progesterone medications
  • Antithyroids
  • Iodine
  • Ephedrine
  • Cocaine
  • Poppy
  • Reserpine
  • Epinephrine