Cheilitis is a lip disease caused by the drying and cracking of the lips, which have a thin skin layer, from time to time as a result of excessive exposure to external factors such as wind or sun in dry and cold weather. While lip cracks, which are a very painful picture, can heal spontaneously most of the time, chronically chapped lips can be a sign of a skin disease. Even in some systemic diseases, it is typical to see cracks in the lip junctions at the edges of the mouth. Lip cracks that do not go away within a few weeks require medical evaluation.
Although the lip skin is very thin, it is a fast-healing piece of skin. Drying and cracking on the lips are consecutive events. First of all, institutions form on the lips for any reason. Cracks and cracks develop over time. Stretch marks can be quite painful. When the cracked parts are torn off, it can cause deeper wounds and bleeding.
If lip cracks recur frequently or last for a long time, it can cause infections on the lips. It can even cause skin ulcers or swelling.
Causes of lip diseases:
It is inevitable for lips that often dry and crack to experience this condition as a result of the symptoms of some diseases. The most common causes of lip cracking and pain are:
- Blood clotting abnormalities
- Thrombocytopenia
- Hemophilia disease
- Liver diseases
- Von Willebrand’s disease
- Medicines
- Aspirin
- Clopidrogel
- Warfarin
- Dipyridamole
- Heparin
- Dabigatran
- Other reasons
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Advanced dehydration
- Febrile diseases
- Skin infections (fungal, herpes, bacterial infections, etc.)
- Overuse of fish oil
- Ginko biloba tea
- Overuse of ginseng capsules
- Use of vitamin E
- Excess of vitamin A
- Dong quai root misuse
- Cold weather
- Wind
- Frequent picking and biting habits
The simplest treatment for lip cracks is to prevent cracking. It should be ensured that the lip is sufficiently moist to prevent cracking and drying. Drinking enough water will eliminate almost all of these ailments.
Moisturizing creams can be used to heal chapped lips. Vaseline or wax lip balms can be helpful for this. Some people may need to use different moisturizers. Never share your own moisturizer with others.
Always use sunscreen before going out in the sun. In cold weather, choose clothes that will cover your lips.
Drinking water frequently to prevent dehydration will reduce lip dryness and cracks. Do not remove the flakes that occur after the cracks on your lips.
Cold presses can be used to relieve pain. Consult your doctor if you have other accompanying findings or if you experience chronic cracking.
If you have a lip condition that does not go away within a few days, causes severe pain, bleeds, or has other symptoms, consult your doctor.