Pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause periods are risky periods in terms of dental and gingival diseases in women. Oral and dental health during pregnancy is extremely important not only for the pregnant woman, but also for the child. Dental caries, infections, possible harm to pregnant and child by abscesses, as well as drug materials used during treatment may cause negative results. Therefore, tooth and gum diseases should be treated carefully during pregnancy.
The most important step in preventing tooth and gum diseases during pregnancy is proper oral care. Simple precautions and proper oral care will minimize tooth decay and tooth loss during pregnancy.
Improper oral care during pregnancy results in dental caries, abscesses, gingival diseases, gingival ulcers, and tooth loss. The risk for the baby is preterm birth and low birth weight.
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What causes tooth and gum disease during pregnancy ?
As with pregnancy, the most important cause of dental and gum diseases is poor oral care.
However, estrogen and progesterone hormone changes during pregnancy are also an important reason for oral health during pregnancy. Gingivitis and epulis gravidarum (pregnancy tumor) are common due to hormonal changes. It usually occurs in the second month of pregnancy, peaks in the eighth month and resolves with delivery. If it does not cause serious discomfort to the pregnant during pregnancy, it does not require special treatment, but if it does not improve after delivery, it is useful to consult a dentist.
If there is good oral care before pregnancy, the risk of gingivitis is low. Gingivitis can sometimes cause bleeding gums.
Vomiting during pregnancy will adversely affect the oral health of the pregnant woman. Together with the decrease in the amount of calcium, they may be the reason for the frequent occurrence of dental caries. The increase in interest in sugary foods during pregnancy may also be the cause of dental caries.
Some pregnant women may refrain from protection methods such as the use of toothpaste, calcium, magnesium and zinc supplements in order to protect the health of their babies.
What should be considered in terms of oral and dental health during pregnancy?
The risk of possible dental and gum diseases can be minimized by good oral care during pregnancy, calcium, magnesium, zinc supplementation, avoiding sugary foods, and drinking plenty of fluids.
Vitamin A, C, D supplements should be made in nutrition through milk, eggs, fish, meat, vegetables and fruits.
Tobacco and tobacco products should definitely be avoided for both oral and dental health and the health of the baby. Alcohol intake during pregnancy can also cause dental anomalies in babies.
Regular dental check-ups will be beneficial for early diagnosis of diseases and counseling on prevention methods. Dentist control is recommended twice in the first three months and once in the next three months.
How to treat teeth and gums during pregnancy?
X-rays should be avoided in the diagnosis of dental diseases during pregnancy. Although X-ray devices used in dentistry emit very low radiation, radiation can cause serious anomalies in the baby.
The first trimester of pregnancy is very risky. During this period, dental treatment or drug use is not recommended, except for non-obligatory procedures. Since the last three months are important for the development of the baby, it is recommended to perform the necessary dental and gingival treatments in the second trimester. If not treated during this period, diseases that may be harmful to the mother and baby are intervened. Root canal treatment, simple filling, tooth extraction can be done. Aesthetic treatments, veneer, prosthesis, etc. are generally not performed. All of these treatments should be done in coordination with obstetricians.
In cases of infection and abscess, drug treatment is planned together with the obstetrician.
As an anesthetic agent, there is no problem in the use of substances such as lidocaine and prilocaine during pregnancy, unless there is a special situation.
During filling or other processes, it is necessary to avoid the use of materials containing mercury due to its teratogenic effect.