Nipple discharge is the leakage of fluid from one or both nipples of women...
Catching breast cancer at an early stage without symptoms is the most accurate in...
Meme kanseri tanısı alan hastaya uygun tedavi başlayabilmek için kanserin evresinin iyi bilinmesi gerekir....
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers. Many factors can cause or...
The diagnosis of breast cancer begins with a detailed history and physical examination. The...
Early detection of breast cancer saves lives. Early stage breast cancers are treated more...
Breasts are two organs in humans, located in both chest regions, consisting of connective...
Cervical cancer does not show symptoms in the early stages. Symptoms occur in more...
In order to initiate appropriate treatment for a patient diagnosed with cervical cancer, the...
Cervical cancer develops due to abnormal growth of cervical cells for various reasons. It...
The causes of cervical cancer are not fully known. However, almost all (99%) cases...
Serviks kanseri tanısında ilk aşama kapsamlı bir anamnez ve muayenedir. Hastada serviks kanseri açısından...
Early detection of cervical cancer saves lives. Early stage cervical cancers are treated more...
In breast cancer, there are different treatment options depending on the type, stage, degree...
Serviks kanserinin farklı tedavi seçenekleri mevcuttur. Tedavi seçeneği kanserin türüne, evresine, yayılımına, hastanın yaşına,...