Lethargy is a state of lethargy that can be accompanied by feelings of fatigue,...
Postnasal drip is the feeling of a collection of discharge in the throat. It...
Aphasia is a speech disorder that includes varying degrees of combinations of speech, comprehension,...
Chronic pain brings negative changes in the quality of life for you and your...
A dental abscess is an accumulation of pus on the teeth or gums caused...
In a normal adult, blood pressure is expected to average 120/80 mmHg. Blood pressure...
Hypertension is a systemic, chronic and serious disease that can affect almost every organ...
Palpitation is the feeling and hearing of the heartbeat. Under normal conditions, the heart...
The most common cause of bad breath is tooth and gum diseases. Food particles...
Vertigo can be in the acute form that occurs suddenly, or it can be...
Low back pain is one of the common complaints that can even cause loss...
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms for which patients seek medical attention....
Edema is referred to as an increase in intercellular fluid. This fluid may be...
Decreased amount of saliva in the mouth causes dry mouth. Dry mouth can rarely...
Bad breath (fetor oris or fetor ex ore, fetid halitus, stinking mouth, fetor narium,...
Foot odor is an unpleasant condition that is very common in all societies. It...
Excessive sweating is very common in societies. Although it is mostly in certain parts...
Chronic fatigue syndrome is one of the most common ailments of our time. If...
Itchy skin is a common ailment. While there are many possibilities that could cause...
If you have chest pain for more than 15 minutes, if the pain spreads...
Dyspnea is a condition that makes you feel like the air you breathe is...
Sneezing is a coordinated neuromuscular reflex response that occurs with stimulation of the upper...
Otalgia is expressed as pain felt in the ear. It is especially common in...
Ear itching is a common ailment. Sometimes in people who clean their ears regularly,...
You can express the feeling of fullness in your ear as a feeling of...
Fluid coming out of the ear canal is called ear discharge. There may be...
Tinnitus is the perception of sound when there is no sound in the external...
Sore throat is very common and usually goes away on its own within a...
Hoarseness can be seen in infections that usually occur in the upper respiratory tract....
Nose bleeding, which is more common in children, is seen at a frequency of...
Nasal congestion is a common symptom of many diseases affecting the nasal cavity, sinuses...
If your sense of smell does not improve within a few weeks, consult your...
The sense of taste is strengthened by the sense of smell, helping to perceive...
Nausea and vomiting are one of the body's defense mechanisms and are a symptom,...
Difficulty in swallowing without pain is called dysphagia. People with dysphagia subjectively express a...
Constipation can be expressed as severe or rare stools that can affect people of...
Excess gas is a normal physiological condition. Excess gas or foul-smelling gas can sometimes...
Headache is the most common type of pain that almost everyone experiences more than...
Stomach pain is one of the most common health problems. If it has been...
Abdominal pain is one of the most common complaints among digestive system disorders. Abdominal...