Although milk teeth vary from child to child, they usually begin to erupt in...
Diastema is a condition in which there is a gap between the teeth in...
A dental abscess is an accumulation of pus on the teeth or gums caused...
Accidents, sports injuries, traumas can cause tooth fractures. Dental problems such as dental caries...
Dental prosthesis is used to complete the missing tooth area. If these gaps are...
Bleeding gum is a symptom of diseases that can occur mainly in the gums....
Gum recession is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue around the...
Gum disease is the result of infections and inflammation of the gums and bone...
For a better dental care, it is important to have regular dental check-ups to...
Dental care in babies is extremely important for the development of teeth that will...
Toothache is pain in or around the tooth. Some simple problems that cause toothache...
The temporomandibular joints are the 2 joints that connect the lower jaw to the...
Braces treatment can be applied in every period of life, although it is mostly...
Teeth whitening is the process of removing colored organic and inorganic substances formed in...
Bebeklik dönemi dişleri 6-12 yaş arasında yetişkin dişleri ile değişir. Yirmilik yaş dişi dışındaki...
The basis of tooth cleaning is brushing the teeth. While brushing teeth, we get...
Orthodontic treatment is the treatment methods applied to correct the teeth and provide movement...
Dental implant treatment is a relatively expensive, laborious and long process compared to other...
The most common cause of bad breath is tooth and gum diseases. Food particles...
Dental floss is a very important part of oral care. The use of dental...
Interface brushes are the apparatuses that contain a flexible wire structure in the middle,...
Autism is a lifelong mental developmental disorder characterized by an insidious inability to use...
The occlusal splint is used for a minimum of four and a maximum of...
Pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause periods are risky periods in terms of dental and gingival...