Lethargy is a state of lethargy that can be accompanied by feelings of fatigue,...
The human immune system is a set of mechanisms that are governed by the...
Polio vaccines are of two types, oral polio vaccine and inactivated polio vaccine. Oral...
Anesthesia is the loss of sensation of the area to be treated or the...
All of the measures taken to protect vaccines from external factors such as heat,...
Risky pregnancy is possible in every pregnancy, even if it is small. However, some...
Vaccines contain substances called antigens that enhance immunity, as well as a small amount...
Although milk teeth vary from child to child, they usually begin to erupt in...
Diastema is a condition in which there is a gap between the teeth in...
A dental abscess is an accumulation of pus on the teeth or gums caused...
Accidents, sports injuries, traumas can cause tooth fractures. Dental problems such as dental caries...
Opportunities developing at the global level have made it easier for people to travel...
Immunization is an important primary health care service that aims to prevent the emergence...
Pain is defined as a sensory, emotional, unpleasant feeling that originates from any part...
Multiple drug use is an important problem for the elderly due to health problems....
Pregnancy is an exciting time for expectant mothers, their spouses and their families. In...
Your baby's balance ability is a little more developed this month. He can walk...
Your baby may lose about one-tenth of their birth weight in the first few...
There may be differences in teething between babies. Babies usually start teething when they...
Your baby's sucking, swallowing, babinski, searching, catching, moro and step reflexes become more pronounced...
Dental prosthesis is used to complete the missing tooth area. If these gaps are...
Bleeding gum is a symptom of diseases that can occur mainly in the gums....
Gum recession is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue around the...
Gum disease is the result of infections and inflammation of the gums and bone...
For a better dental care, it is important to have regular dental check-ups to...
Dental care in babies is extremely important for the development of teeth that will...
Toothache is pain in or around the tooth. Some simple problems that cause toothache...
The temporomandibular joints are the 2 joints that connect the lower jaw to the...
Braces treatment can be applied in every period of life, although it is mostly...
Teeth whitening is the process of removing colored organic and inorganic substances formed in...
The basis of tooth cleaning is brushing the teeth. While brushing teeth, we get...
Orthodontic treatment is the treatment methods applied to correct the teeth and provide movement...
It is necessary to increase the controls for risky pregnancies. Weekly pregnancy follow-ups may...
Like the baby's sleep pattern and movement pattern, his breathing is also regulated. The...
The baby development is continiuing and baby is now well moved. He punches, he...
The baby continues to develop. However, even in this state, it has reached the...
The first four months of pregnancy are complete. These four months, especially the first...
It has significantly advanced baby development. As muscle and nerve connections begin to be...
Pregnancy is a period in which very important physical changes are experienced in women....
The nutrition program of the expectant mother should be carefully and individually prepared by...