The biomolecule naturally found in cell mitochondria, first discovered by Frederick Crane and colleagues...
Warning for pre-fathers and certain epilepsy medications in women of childbearing potential and during...
Lethargy is a state of lethargy that can be accompanied by feelings of fatigue,...
A calorie is a unit used to measure the energy content of foods. The...
While fibromyalgia is a common disease that includes widespread pain, tenderness, fatigue, and other...
Seroquel is a drug containing the active ingredient quetiapine (quetiapine). It is most commonly...
Propolis is a bee product. Although it is touted as a miraculous effect for...
Hedonic hunger is felt more intensely against products containing carbohydrates or fats. It is...
The ketogenic diet is basically a low-carb diet. A low-carb, adequate protein, high-fat diet...
The eggshell contains two membranes. One is on the surface where it is adjacent...
Nipple discharge is the leakage of fluid from one or both nipples of women...
The fault lines, which spread like a glass crack, naturally cause the people of...
Alcohol addiction can also be expressed as the abuse of alcohol. Drinking or becoming...
The human immune system is a set of mechanisms that are governed by the...
Postnasal drip is the feeling of a collection of discharge in the throat. It...
An increase in the MPV value is a sign of increased thrombopoiesis. Normal platelet...
RDW (erythrocyte distribution width) is also evaluated with different tests with different interpretations of...
MCV is usually part of a complete blood count test. Many different features are...
The MCHC test is used to measure the concentration of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte....
Normally, mature erythrocytes in the blood are expected to be the same size. As...
The number of red blood cells called erythrocytes in the complete blood count is...
The MCH test is not used much nowadays. Because it is affected by heat...
When the number of lymphocytes, one of the white blood cells in the blood,...
Thrombocytosis is defined as a platelet count > 450,000/mm3 in the blood. With the...
An increase in the number of platelets in the blood is called thrombocytosis, and...
Magnesium is an essential mineral for the vital functions of our body. It is...
If the neutrophil count is over 7500/mm3 in the complete blood count, it is...
Herpes Zoster is a painful, rash viral, contagious disease of the skin. It is...
Exams and tests can be a cause of anxiety for almost every child. However,...
The possibility of recurrence of the trauma experienced by the child, the scope of...
Dressing is a wound care applied to accelerate the healing of any wound and...
Ventolin inhaler is a drug containing 100 micrograms of salbutamol active ingredient. Salbutamol is...
Myocarditis cases, which have been the subject of discussion during the pandemic process, still...
Hyperparathyroidism is a condition that occurs as a result of the parathyroid glands secreting...
Potassium is one of the most important elements in the cells of our body....
Polio vaccines are of two types, oral polio vaccine and inactivated polio vaccine. Oral...
Lyme disease is a disease caused by the Borrelia bacterium, transmitted to humans by...
Aphasia is a speech disorder that includes varying degrees of combinations of speech, comprehension,...
Anesthesia is the loss of sensation of the area to be treated or the...
It is a state of decrease or increase in parathyroid hormones. Its decrease is...