It is necessary to increase the controls for risky pregnancies. Weekly pregnancy follow-ups may be needed. The pregnant may need to be connected to the NST device. In this way, labor pains, uterine contractions and the baby's heartbeat rhythm can be monitored. Infection in the cervix can be investigated. In this case, it may be necessary to use antibiotics during delivery.

Fetal development 

35. Week

It has entered the last forty exciting days for the expectant mother. Now the days are started to be counted for the birth. Birth planning begins. What will the birth be like, is there a problem for normal birth, and situations that require special precautions during birth are determined.

It is necessary to increase the controls for risky pregnancies. Weekly pregnancy follow-ups may be needed. The pregnant may need to be connected to the NST device. In this way, labor pains, uterine contractions and the baby’s heartbeat rhythm can be monitored. Infection in the cervix can be investigated. In this case, it may be necessary to use antibiotics during delivery.

The belly of the expectant mother has grown. He continues to gain weight, albeit a little. However, most of the weight gained after this time depends on the growth of the baby. The pregnant woman will have complaints due to the pressure on the tissues and veins around the growing uterus.

The baby is now largely ready for his new living space. All internal organs have developed and started to perform their functions. Kidneys are developed. It works in such a way that it can absorb and filter up to 1 liter of amniotic fluid per day. The liver is now able to clear some toxins.

Lung development is better, but development is not yet complete. Although regular breathing occurs, in case of premature birth for any reason, the baby’s lungs need external support to function. This week, he still has trouble breathing on his own.

The baby is now 45 cm tall and weighs 2500 grams. It has grown so well that it cannot fit in the uterus. In order to fit into the uterus, she takes a position by pulling her feet towards her stomach. This also protects the baby against external influences. The baby’s space has narrowed considerably, but he still tries to move. Their movements slow down and can cause more pain to the expectant mother.

Bones have hardened, muscle and nerve tissue has developed. The skull is not yet fully closed. It is still in a soft state to pass through the birth canal.

 36. Week

Now we are entering the week of birth. If the birth occurs after the end of this week, it is called a normal birth. Births before this week are premature births.

The couples were overwhelmed with the excitement of birth. Preparations are made for the birth. The maternity bag is prepared. Baby room and furniture are prepared according to gender.

The uterine contractions of the expectant mother have become more frequent. It is important to monitor the frequency and duration of contractions. The indication of the onset of normal birth is uterine contractions and pains that last for about one minute and come every five minutes. When this happens, it is necessary to inform the follow-up health team.

Weekly controls of the pregnant are continued. It is important to take necessary precautions, especially in high-risk pregnancies. The mode of delivery is decided for the health of the mother and the baby.

As the baby descends towards the birth canal at head level, the mother’s breathing becomes easier, but urination increases as the pressure of the uterus and the baby on the bladder will increase.

The baby’s lungs are now developed after this week. If she gives birth, she now has the ability to breathe on her own.

Like other organs, the baby’s digestive system has developed. It is ready to function when breast milk starts to suck.

The baby’s fat tissue has formed under the skin, and the lanugo hairs are disappearing. It has smooth skin.

The baby is protected against infections by the immune system cells it receives from the mother through the placenta in the womb. As the birth approaches, the immune system prepares itself for the external environment. After the birth, she will be able to function on her own with the help of the support she will receive from breast milk.

The baby is now 46 cm tall and weighs 2800 grams. Although the height and weight change a little according to pregnancy, the space in which the baby can move in the womb is very limited in this size and has begun to enter the birth canal with its head. The expectant mother will feel the decrease in her movements compared to the previous weeks. It’s normal. However, if it does not move, it should be evaluated. If necessary, urgent intervention may be needed.

37. Week

Birth weeks have begun. From this week, the baby is ready to go out into the outside world. Birth plans are made. Final plans are made for normal delivery. The ultrasound image of the baby is matched with the pelvic examination, and how the birth will take place can be predicted. It is a period when the expectant mother should not move much and rest a lot. The maternity bag is ready, and almost everything is prepared for the new member of the house.

The baby is ready for birth with all its organs. When born in this form, it can live comfortably in the outside environment. Its internal organs and lungs have completed their development. The intestines are functioning. Meconium (first poop) is produced by swallowing amniotic fluid. The baby’s intestine is filled with sticky meconium. If meconium mixes with the amniotic fluid, the baby will have respiratory distress. Therefore, you must be careful.

The baby is now 47 cm tall and weighs 3000 grams. Head is in the birth canal. The skull bones are still not fully closed to pass through the birth canal.

38. Week

The days are now counted for the birth. Both the expectant mother and the baby are ready for birth. The baby is now 49 cm tall and weighs 3300 grams. He has reached the ideal weight and height. Values below and above this can sometimes cause problems. On the other hand, the final height and weight values of the baby may be related to the mother’s nutrition as well as ethnic and hereditary characteristics. For this reason, birth length and weight may vary slightly according to societies and families.

The baby entering the birth canal cannot find enough movement space in the uterus. Therefore, their movements have decreased. The expectant mother should have regular check-ups and follow the baby’s movements. If there is no movement at least four times an hour, it is useful to talk to the following health team.

 39. Week

These are the last weeks of pregnancy. Now, whenever the baby wants to go outside, birth can take place. It is a period in which the expectant mother breathes more easily, but uterine contractions become more frequent. Birth can begin at any time.

The baby reaches 50 cm in length and 3700 grams in weight. Normal birth may occur at these values. However, normal birth may not be possible for babies with a birth weight of 4000 grams or more. Baby height and weight are monitored during routine weekly controls. If there is a risk of a large baby, the delivery method may be different. Baby girls may be slightly lighter.

Week 40

It is normally considered the last week for pregnancy. Birth is expected this week. However, in some pregnancies, there may be pregnancies extending to 41 or even 42 weeks. However, prolonged pregnancies increase the risk of stillbirth or problems during delivery. Therefore, sometimes it may be necessary to induce labor.

The baby has reached the ideal birth weight and is ready for birth and living in the external environment with all its organs.

The expectant mother is now expecting her baby. He has planned all his preparations. When the amniotic sac ruptured and the water came, the birth began.

At the end of 280 challenging but very exciting days, the baby says hello to life.