The first four months of pregnancy are complete. These four months, especially the first three months, were the most risky for the development of the baby. During this period, the drugs used by the mother, the food, the air she breathed, etc., had a significant effect on the development of the baby.

Baby development

18. Week

The first four months of pregnancy are complete. These four months, especially the first three months, were the most risky for the development of the baby. During this period, the drugs used by the mother, the food, the air she breathed, etc., had a significant effect on the development of the baby. Even if the risk is not completely over, the most risky period has been overcome. After that, the sweet restlessness of pregnancy and the excitement of preparation for birth begins. It can be said that perhaps the most enjoyable periods of the pregnancy process have begun.

It is well developed in the baby. Communication between mother and baby is increasing. As much as the expectant mother feels the baby, the baby can hear the mother, listen to her songs and lullabies, and react. Strong bonds form between mother and baby.

The expectant mother may feel more comfortable the baby movements that she felt vaguely before and thought of as abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, etc. However, if the baby movements are not felt by the mother, this does not mean that there is a problem. You will feel it in the next weeks.

The baby’s first stool (meconium) is formed in the intestines that have started to work earlier. Most of the meconium arises from the amniotic fluid.

The sex of the baby is almost complete. Prostate development is completed in male babies. The ovaries are developing in girls. Nipples are starting to become prominent. It is a suitable week to determine the sex of the baby. With ultrasonography, the gender of the baby can be understood in the appropriate position.

The baby has now developed the yawn and hiccup reflexes well. He now has a sleeping pattern. It does not react to external stimuli during sleep periods.

The muscular nervous system is developing. A myelin sheath is formed in nerve fibers. The bones have hardened considerably due to calcium deposition. It has become a little more durable now.

In ultrasonography, it can be seen in detail that the baby’s organs such as the heart, brain, vertebrae, kidneys have completed their physical development and most of them have settled down. If there is an abnormality related to the development of the baby, there is a problem in the screening tests, if there is a suspicion of a hereditary disease, it is a suitable week for further examinations. Procedures such as amniocentesis can be performed. Thanks to these tests, DNA samples belonging to the baby can be analyzed without harming the baby.

The fetus has now completely completed its development and has taken on the human form. Its length exceeds 15 cm, and its weight exceeds 200 grams.

19. Week

The pregnancy has progressed well. The mother’s womb is now more easily noticed from the outside. Mild groin pain begins in the mother-to-be. This is due to the displacement of the uterus from right to left. Darkening begins on the nipples and cheeks, which is called the mask of pregnancy.

The baby has established his sleeping pattern well. Spends most of the day sleeping. It takes an average of 6 hours. The remaining 18 hours are spent sleeping.

Baby skin is covered with a cheesy substance called vernix ceseosa. This substance is produced to protect the baby’s skin from the irritating effect of the amniotic fluid.

The baby’s senses are now well developed. He hears you. You can talk to him comfortably, you can sing. This will strengthen the bond between you. He is born accustomed to your voice when he is born. He begins to see his surroundings. The light reflex continues. Responds to external light stimulus. In addition, the senses of smell and taste are developed.

Brain functions are well developed. The brain is now able to send commands to the organs to move, smell, hear and touch.

Hair is prominent on the head. Your baby is now 16 cm tall and weighs 250 grams.

20. Week

With this week, half of the pregnancy is over for expectant mothers. There are only a few weeks left until the birth. Preparations for the baby, whose gender is roughly determined, also begin.

The mother continues to gain weight. His belly is growing. The uterus rises to the level of the navel. Breathing can be difficult at times.

Baby and mother are now well connected. The baby, accustomed to the mother’s voice, responds to sounds, music and light. You can read to him fairy tales, listen to music, sing songs.

The baby continues to produce meconium. The meconium will be expelled at the time of delivery. It is necessary to prevent the baby from swallowing meconium at birth.

The bone structure in the baby is now well developed. Increased blood production in the bone marrow. The heart is pumping blood. The baby’s heart beats at roughly twice the rate of the mother’s heart.

The baby’s gender can be easily seen in ultrasonography. Of course, as long as the baby allows. Hair and eyelash formation has also been completed and can be monitored by ultrasonography.

The baby is now 20 cm tall and weighs 320 grams.

Week 21

The second period of pregnancy has been entered. Like every week of pregnancy, this week is one of the periods to be careful. Especially, expectant mothers with high blood pressure before pregnancy should be checked for pregnancy poisoning. This is important for the health of the mother and the baby.

It is necessary to pay attention to food supplements, especially iron supplements, especially during this period. Supplements should be taken in line with the recommendations of the following healthcare team. Follow-up should be done in terms of varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis.

The baby’s facial structure, eyes, ears, lips, etc. are well formed. Eye movements can be noticed even if the eyelids are closed. Facial expressions are visible. The size of the hands and feet has started to become proportional to the body.

The baby is now 24 cm tall and weighs 390 grams. For the first time since the beginning of pregnancy, it has begun to exceed the size of the placenta.