It has significantly advanced baby development. As muscle and nerve connections begin to be established, hands, arms and legs are more mobile. Head movements have also increased. The face continues to develop. Cheeks are forming. Facial movements such as laughing are seen.

Baby development

14th week: 

The first trimester (1st trimester) of pregnancy has been completed, and the second trimester (2nd trimester) has begun. It is the period when the complaints decrease and they feel better compared to the first period for the pregnant woman.

It has significantly advanced baby development. As muscle and nerve connections begin to be established, hands, arms and legs are more mobile. Head movements have also increased.

The face continues to develop. Cheeks are forming. Facial movements such as laughing are seen.

The baby’s genitals continue to develop. Male babies develop a prostate. In female babies, the ovaries begin to move towards the groin. The baby’s gender can be determined by ultrasonography.

On the other hand, the ossification process begins. Bone structures harden, and this process continues throughout childhood, even after birth.

The baby is 10 cm tall and weighs 60 grams. The head-to-body ratio has recovered even more. The body is slender but more upright. A layer of fat begins to form under the hairs (lanugo) on the skin. The baby now responds to external stimuli by curling up and straightening.

Week 15: 

It is one of the important weeks of pregnancy where there may be some differences in the pregnant due to hormonal changes and the expectant mother should be more careful. It is recommended to take plenty of fluids and to take vitamin or mineral supplements under the control of the healthcare team. The expectant mother may notice the enlargement of the uterus slightly below the belly button. Now he should pay more attention to his lying position and movements in bed. It is a risky period in terms of blood pressure drops, nosebleeds and varicose veins.

Bone development continues in the fetus. Hand, arm and leg movements increased. The expectant mother may not yet be able to clearly feel the baby movements. It will start to feel after a short while. However, baby movements can be seen clearly with ultrasonography.

The baby’s sense of taste is developing. Sucking movements with his mouth continue. Although the eyelids are closed, there is sensitivity to light. When a light is shined on the mother’s womb, it can turn its direction to light in response.

Almost all of the internal organs of the fetus have started to work. Lung development will continue as amniotic fluid is swallowed.

In ultrasonography, the baby’s hands and feet can be easily monitored. Although the gender information is not clear, it can be taken depending on the baby’s position.

The baby is about 12 cm tall and weighs 80 grams.

Week 16: 

The eyelids are still closed, but eye movements have begun. Facial lines are well defined. The skin is thin, blood vessels are visible under the skin.

The sex of the baby may be determined. Depending on the baby’s position, the gender of the baby boy can be determined by ultrasonography. It would be more appropriate to wait a little longer to determine gender for girls.

Even if it is not clearly felt, the expectant mother can feel the baby’s weak kicks. Sometimes this can be in the form of a feeling of contraction in the abdomen.

In pregnancies with suspected heart diseases, the baby’s heart problems can be investigated with tests such as fetal echocardiography. Children’s heart sounds can be heard by specialists with special stethoscopes.

Nails, eyebrows and eyelashes are developed. Hair formation on the head has increased even more. The back muscles and spine have become more rigid. Accordingly, the baby is in a more upright position.

The baby is about 12.5 cm tall and weighs 110 grams. It is about the size of a medium sized apple.

Triple screening tests are recommended for Down Syndrome .

Week 17: 

The pregnancy of the expectant mother is well established. From the outside, the growth in the abdomen can be noticed. He gained 2.5-5 kg of weight. This is the time when nutrition matters. Mineral, vitamin (especially vitamin D) supplements should not be neglected. Your healthcare team will inform you about this. A nutrition program will be drawn up and suggestions will be made for supplements.

In general, your baby now looks like a human cub. The skeletal system is well defined. Bone hardening continues. Soft cartilage tissues are now slowly turning into bone structures. Calcium taken from the mother is stored in the bones.

Baby movements can now be felt clearly. He may feel the kicks weakly, but will wait a little longer before he can feel them clearly.

A layer of fat develops under the baby’s skin, where weak hairs increase. Subcutaneous fat has begun to increase in stores. The transparent image of the baby begins to decrease now. Subcutaneous adipose tissue energizes the baby, on the other hand, it protects the baby from cold after birth and keeps it warm. The baby’s sweat glands are also developing.

The heart is pumping blood. It can pump up to 30 liters of blood per day. The heartbeat is now in order. It can be 140-150 beats per minute. There are roughly twice as many heartbeats as the normal human heart rate.

The baby’s height is 13 cm, and its weight is about 150 grams on average.

Tests are performed during pregnancy for the prenatal diagnosis of some diseases, especially inherited conditions. In these tests, such as amniocentesis, samples containing the baby’s genetic information are taken without harming the baby. The appropriate week for these tests is this week.