When we encounter health problems, we cannot always contact a health professional. If we have a problem that we do not know about, we immediately start looking for information about it on the internet. We also know that we cannot be sure of what kind of information we will encounter in the internet world. In order to provide a solution to this complexity, we wanted you to benefit from a web resource that is aware of its responsibility by collaborating with volunteer physicians.

Of course, medical information should always be interpreted individually. Knowing the socio-psychoeconomic status of the patient is essential for holistic evaluation. For this reason, the information, definitions, treatment methods or any comments you get from the internet may not match your situation. Therefore, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Being aware of this responsibility and sensitivity, we decided to activate this platform for you in the first days of 2023, with useful and rich content about health.

While designing Onlinemedicalinformation.com, we aimed to make it easy and understandable for you. We have tried to make it fast, easy and understandable both in mobile and desktop environments. No products are sold on this website. At the same time, there is no paid subscription application of any kind. Publishing costs are covered only by advertising revenues.

The content of this web platform is constantly being developed. We will continue to add more details and more information for you. Published articles are also constantly being developed and renewed. We would like you to know that all of these contents are published after being evaluated by our subject- based editors and boards. The contents are written entirely by volunteer physicians. While preparing the texts, care is taken to prepare the reader without wasting time and without misleading him. We want you to make sure that the physicians who create the content texts do not have any commercial expectations or targets.

We will be glad to see you among us for any questions regarding health.

You can write to editor@onlinemedicalinformation.com for your suggestions . Make sure it will be evaluated and answered.

Everything for your health. Stay healthy.